यह ब्लॉग खोजें

बुधवार, 8 मार्च 2017

Swami Vivekananda's Lecture in New York about his Master

Krishna declares in Bhagawad-Gita.

"Whenever virtue subsides and vice prevails, I come down to help mankind."

Modern world of ours need adjustment on both planes, the spiritual and the material. In the present era material Ideas are at the height of their glory and power,Today man requires one more adjustment on spiritual plane.Today man is likely to forget his divine nature,through his growing dependence on matter.
the voice has been spoken , and the power is coming to drive away the clouds of gathering  materialism. The power has been set in the motion which at no distant date, will bring unto mankind once more the memory of its real nature,and again the place from which this power will start will be Asia.

Machines never made mankind happy and never will make. He who is trying to make us believe this will claim that happiness is in the machine, but always in the mind. That man alone who is the lord of his mind can become happy, and non else.

SWAMI JI Says :  I am going to present before you the life of one man who has put in motion such a wave in India.But before going into the life of this man ,  I will try to present before you the secret of India, what India means.

If those whose eyes have been blinded by the glamour of material things, whose whole dedication of life is to eating and drinking and enjoying, whose ideal of possession is land and gold, whose ideal of pleasure is that of the senses, whose God is money, and whose goal is a life of ease and comfort and death after that, and who rarely think anything higher than the sense objects in the midst of which they live--If such as they go to India , what do they see? Poverty, Squalor, Superstition, darkness, hideousness everywhere. why? because in their minds enlightenment means dress, education, social politeness.

There live the only men in the world who, in the whole history of humanity, never went beyond their frontiers to conquer anyone. who never coveted that which belonged to anyone else, whose only fault was that their land were so fertile,  and they accumulated wealth by the hard labour of their hands, and so tempted other nations to come and despoil them.


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Thank you.!