यह ब्लॉग खोजें

बुधवार, 8 मार्च 2017




We must not be extremely attached to anything except God.See everything, do everything,but be not attached.As soon as extreme attachment comes,a man loses himself,he is no more master of himself,he is a slave.If a women is tremendously attached to a man,she becomes slave of that man. There is no use in being slave.

There are higher things in this world than being a slave to a human being.Love and Do good to everybody , but do not become a slave. In the First place attachment degenerates us , and in second place, makes us extremely selfish. As a result, we want to injure others to do good to those whom we love.

Most of the wicked deeds done in this world are done through attachment to certain persons. So all attachment except that for good work should be avoided,but Love should be given to everybody.

There is a VERSE , which gives best definition of Bhakti-Yoga

"May that Love undying which the non-discriminating have for the fleeting objects of the senses never leave this heart of mine-of me who seek after thee!"

So in the above prayer the sage says, " I will have that attachment ,that tremendous clinging, only to Thee."

This love when given to God ,is called Bhakti.

Bhakti is not destructive , it teaches us that no one of the faculties we have has been given in vain, that through them is the natural way to come to liberation.

Bhakti does not kill our tendencies , it does not go against nature, but only gives it a higher and more powerful direction.

Inspired by speech and discourse of :                                                        SWAMY  VIVEKANANDA

                                                                                                                                    ......to be continued    

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